written on 2005-08-20 at 12:02 a.m.

I'm sitting in boston. Leaning really. My phone lets me type this--silly thing.

So far two boys have called me sweet"haaahrt" and one said something ruder. Um. Yuck.

I'm right in front of the place I'm staying. For work. Learning how to be an activist in a positive way.

By positive I simply mean more action oriented. There's not much discussing 'group dynamic' here. Oh no. Brought it up. And bam! Shot down.

As if that's just unreal.

Seriously. I'm having some doubts...but it's alright. There are people here with good hearts and in the park I can see the sky. No problem...

i'm learning about
plans and goals

words for the day
fortune cookie: recignition fosters action

current state
msg inspired headache plus several drinks

miss these?
over - 2006-02-20
shiny. - 2006-01-23
grown up day - 2006-01-17
canvas - 2006-01-11
pen? pencil? maybe blood... - 2006-01-09