irony upon irony
written on 2005-04-08 at 7:36 p.m.

in the library. friday evening. i feel like i must be doing work; i am here afterall. sadly, my checklist is getting no shorter and my irritation at this project is ever-growing.

that's not entirely true. my irritation at the world is what's so monsterous; it's not my thesis really. every interaction i have leaves me angry, exasperated, or lonely. even if by any objective standard it was pleasant.

what's wrong with me? depends who you ask, i guess. answers vary. thesis, bipolar disorder, heartbreak, lack of sleep, lack of food...blah blah.

michael's the only one to tell me things that reveal something new to me about myself. sometimes the craziest people are the most spot on. life just continues to heap irony upon irony. i only wish i found it at all amusing.

[after scrounge-dinner]

food makes me feel somewhat better. as does the kind of conversation where witty kids one up eachother with, well, wit. surprisingly, i didn't hate scrounging today. maybe the jocks were missing. outside eating free meat or something, i'm sure.

okay. drinks at midnight. thesis 'til then.

i'm learning about
the origins of i.q. testing

words for the day
freshman boys: wait, borrow my boardcard.

current state

miss these?
over - 2006-02-20
shiny. - 2006-01-23
grown up day - 2006-01-17
canvas - 2006-01-11
pen? pencil? maybe blood... - 2006-01-09