written on 2005-04-05 at 5:33 p.m.

ef�fi�cien�cy, noun
The ratio of the effective or useful output to the total input in any system.

um. I can't seem to figure out how to improve my output. i have staggering amounts of information to process and papers to produce in the next three (THREE?!) weeks.

i start one section of thesis work, and then it comes to my attention that something else might be a more effective use of my time. simple editing, new research, structural editing, new typing, my bibliography...fuck, what FIRST?!


all i know is that by midnight, i plan to be drinking and laughing. perhaps with the girls, perhaps with geoffrey. we shall see.

i'm learning about
april 2, 1917

words for the day
mad adj. affected with a high degree of intellectual independence (ambrose bierce)

current state
foot-taping, nail-biting

miss these?
over - 2006-02-20
shiny. - 2006-01-23
grown up day - 2006-01-17
canvas - 2006-01-11
pen? pencil? maybe blood... - 2006-01-09