written on 2005-03-13 at 1:48 p.m.

a huge spider is sitting on my books looking at me. it has fangs and little black feet. i like to imagine theyre really little black shoes. i would have a fashionable spider on my desk, wouldn't i? at least she, obviously it's a she, has good taste in reading material. she just crawled from Torture to The Gay and Lesbian South. awesome. maybe the spider will help me write my thesis. okay...the spider is getting a liiiittle too close for comfort. Okay, i relocated her to a little plant on my desk. i feel safer, and i'll bet she feels more at home. i hope she sticks around. i don't seem to have anyone else to talk to in the library. perhaps i'll name her once i know her better. maybe i can bring her a snack. do spiders like iced coffee?

i'm learning about

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