written on 2004-09-13 at 2:14 p.m.

i am not happy about this school right now.

in one of my classes a boy actually rolled his eyes at me. after class. i said something silly. apparently HE thinks he's cool enough to roll his eyes. it's especially annoying because he's attractive. i want to smash his delicate face bones.

yes. today i hate people. i am sick of showing up to school, ready to work and shiny and then benig brought down my the lack of interest other people have in the conferences. it just makes me wonder why the hell i bother doing close readings and pondering and having long talks with my housemates about louis xiv. i mean, i know i both because i love it, i just wish everyone else loved it as much. i thought that's what this school was supposed to be. instead it's just another rich kid's playpen, where our parents, all moderate democrats, send us for 4 years while they wait for us to stop acting like children. none of these kids could handle themselves outside these walls. they need the safety and security this place offers, but at the same time they don't take advantage of the one decent bit of it.

i want to scream.

instead i will fill out forms. always more forms at this place.

i'm learning about

words for the day

current state

miss these?
over - 2006-02-20
shiny. - 2006-01-23
grown up day - 2006-01-17
canvas - 2006-01-11
pen? pencil? maybe blood... - 2006-01-09