me gusto cuidad nuevo york
written on 2004-07-27 at 8 :00 am

I woke up this morning and didn't know quite where I was, as I've gotten used to waking up in that apartment across the river. Jmz went home yesterday evening and it looks like New York City will go back to being a rather solitary place. I can handle it, I ought to do more research and worry myself even more senseless over after-graduation-decisions.

This city is eating my money, and it makes me a tiny bit crazy. I swear, I walk down the street and the money in my pockets gets sucked right out, usually without my noticing. And what have I got to show for it? I mean, besides some really, REALLY cute shoes. I think I need to become better friends with poverity. I pretend a little bit that my bank account is bottomless.

Okay, breakfast.

i'm learning about

words for the day

current state

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over - 2006-02-20
shiny. - 2006-01-23
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