wolf eats fox-like creature
written on 2004-07-04 at 1:52 p.m.

still in the country. the sunshine attacked me at 5am this morning; i had to hide under my covers for sometime, but i always enjoy my own time in the darkness of my covers.

i had a dream last night full of animals eating one another. it wasn't scary one bit, but you can bet yr bottom dollar i got right on the ol' interweb and looked up the "meanings" of such animals. first, i was being chased by a raven (and this actually happens to me everyday when i walk to the bus stop to go to PSU for that damned chemistry class--it swoops down and makes awful noises until i cross the street.) and then a crow came and gobbled it up. absorbed it, rather. and then flew by me and my whole field of dream vision was just the crow's eye, which i then entered and a lynx or an osselot (i botched that spelling) nipped at my heels until a wolf came from in front of me and darted around my legs to frighten the smaller animal away. the wolf licked my nipped ankles. i reached towards it and as my hand went through its fur, i found that we were the same, and i woke up just as we melted into eachother, fur and green eyes and sharp teeth. very strange.

here's what the interweb tells me about these animals:

ravens = mystery and the unknown

crows = knowledge of the universal law and assertiveness

lynxes or osolots (though it could have also been a fox, my memory of the dream is fading) = mystery, cunning, deception, craftiness

wolf = a lack of weakness, loyalty, stability

now, with all that, i dont exactly know what it all means. maybe nothing. but i don't usually have dreams that strike me this much. perhaps i'm on my way to finding a fresher way to look at the world. or approach it. who knows.

other than that crazy dream, nothing else is happening here and it's perfect for me. i think i might go wander around in the sun and snoop about a bit.

i'm learning about

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