purple satin heels
written on 2004-04-11 at 9:20 p.m.

jam finished his work. this has given me a small measure of hope that possibly, maybe, i can finish mine. and since we figured out that writing code and writing history are actually the same thing (make something up, hope it works) i'm feeling all go-go-go! well, countless sodas and dexadrine help that go-go! feeling, i suppose. but mostly, i think it's the fact that i finally have my paper written out...the historiography and the thesis. whew, the hardest part done. now all i have to do is play connect the quotes. hopefully, that won't be half as hard as the first part was. thank god for footnotes and the space they take up on a page.

i've gone crazy with the shopping lately. skirts for summer and shoes for summer and a striped bikini (for summer, need you ask?) and...well, just all sorts of things. it's fun though, and with the blingbling my dad just turned over to me, it's acceptable behavior. a girl deserves a splurge every once in a while. or for days on end. whatever, i feel good. and part of me is really satisfied by a cute pair of shoes and a snappy little outfit that says careful-too-hip-to-mess-with.

yup, i'm a shallow and vapid human being. i am sated with one swipe of my credit card (okay, okay, it's a debit card) and the ripping off of tags and the creating of outfits in my closet. my eyes dialate when i think about finding swinging full skirts with explosions of what i think might be flowers or pointy-toe flats in my size with little polka dots on them or even just a very soft black cap sleeve shirt.

i think maybe i should cease describing my coups. this might be the part where i defend my revolutionary status, you know, let you guys out there know that i'm still against the man. fightin' the power, as it were. but, i won't do that. i'll leave it alone. it's good for my humility not to defend my pride occasionally. you know, hang out my consumerist-loving-shoes-laundry and hope i still have friends the next day.

i will say one more thing though: i found the most righteous (yes, that word is acceptable to use even though it is precisely 19 years past 1985) purple satin open-toe heels with pink suede-like flowers on the toe for 6.99 at value village. and can i tell you something else? this makes me happier than finishing my junior seminar paper will. you know why? because in 5 years, i'll remember every place i ever wore those darn things and exactly where i found them, and i won't have a clue what this paper was about in the slightest.

there. i feel much better having shared that. now i can go back to typing this paper that is not as important as a pair of hardly worn 1940s satin heels.

i'm learning about

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current state

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