written on 2004-01-08 at 11:16 a.m.

i am irritated, but not in that pit-of-my-stomach way. i'm fixing to leave houston texas (for the last time, if i can help it) and that boy says to me, towards the end of an argument about whaling (yes, whaling. the vegan was arguing with me about the ethics of killing whales. whales. whatthefuck), and i quote, "you're a bitch. and you don't know how to argue".

and so i left. it wasn't even a particularly dramatic exit. but it was a certain one for me.

other than that: i am hungry and not concerned. i am sick of texas and all the stupidity that ensues while i'm here. i am irritated, but instead of calling James and squealing "but whhhhyyyyyyy would you saaaaaaay thaaaaaaaat"...i'll just sit here on the computer, cell phone off.

let's place bets about when he'll call. today? Most likely, if he doesn't read this, it'll be tonight or tomorrow. and if he's holding a grudge, eh, Saturday.

whatever. like i said. my exit was certain. i'm, cliche as it is, leaving all this crap behind when i drive away on Sunday.

i'm learning about

words for the day

current state

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over - 2006-02-20
shiny. - 2006-01-23
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