warm quiet places
written on 2003-06-01 at 8:15 PM

And here I am, moved into my new home with my new housemates. My room is much smaller, I don�t even want to guess what size it is, maybe�8 by 12 feet. Who knows, it�s freaking tiny. But cozy. And that�s what I�m looking for lately. Small warm spaces to crawl into. This must directly relate to why my ever-lasting crush on Hunter is coming back into the forefront of my little head/heart. Just me, trying to find a place I feel safe. How silly is that, to look for it elsewhere. I ought to try and cultivate one in my own chest, metaphorically speaking.

Vegans. Man, this is going to be a problem I think. They�re busy making dinner and I don�t know if I can include myself in this affair. I mean, for christsakes, they�re VEGAN! How do people live like that? I guess I�ll be finding out soon enough. James claims they�ll eat me, but I don�t think this is true at all. Crazy boy. Got all didactic and weird on me the other day. I can�t deal with that noise. Not one bit. I have no time for boys who want to expound and explain things to me. Especially if it�s me they�re explaining. As if I don�t spend enough time trying to figure that shit out as it is. Hmph. My feathers are all ruffled just thinking about it. Well, really my feathers are ruffled because he�s going to be a jerkface and not come to Portland to see me. I have a lot to say about that, but I can�t quite imagine where (or why) I�d even begin. It just hurts my feelings that he�s so damned�

Stopping with that train of thought real quick.

I miss Alison already. She was really the only housemate I liked, I think. I mean, Misha is an important friend, no doubt, but Alison is really my gal. I�ll miss eating breaky in the morning with her and laughing like a crazy person at 2 am before we go to bed. Being crazy with her is really where it�s at, I think. I�ll keep her around, I think.

End transmission, I�m awful hungry. But damnit, I�m still scared to go play in the kitchen with the vegans. Damn my omnivorous ways. Damn them!

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