the train station
written on 2003-06-04 at AM, sometime

Oh, I was a flake last night. Smoked pot, felt anti-social and ran home. Where I listened to music on my headphones for hours and thought strange things. The strangeness of the thoughts, of course, was directly related to the music I was listening to.

The vegan house is now home. The train station, I think, is what we�re calling the house. Rightly so, with trains living right under my bedroom window and all. It�s like the beginning of a funny story: �small girl found in tiny room about very loud trains with only her typewriter�. S�ok though, I love the sound of trains, when I�m awake. I cleaned the kitchen this morning for the first time,very quietly, as it was barely 8 AM. I�ve been up for hours though (thanks, trains) and I�ve decided this funny industrial neighborhood is my favorite to run in. Not many cars or people, just some vague worker bees behind their respective fences.

I go to NYC very soon! Hunter and I really will live together next semester. That�s another reason I�m up so damned early: I�ve got to get on the stick about finding either an internship or a job next semester. Christ on a crutch, I don�t quite know how that will work. My secret plan is to hand deliver resumes to design firms and publishers in Portland, and see if I can�t score a brief (unpaid) internship. That way, I�ll have something real to put on my little resume when I start applying for (paid) internships in NYC. Whew, and internship at a New York design firm, I tell you what! That would make me feel awfully sucessful.

I want to spend my day riding my bike and wandering around Reed college looking for names and addresses of design firms in town, but alas, I think that everyone and their damned mother wants to borrow my car/hang out with me/hang out with me while borrowing my car. Nothing but disdain for friends with no cars and errands to run. That�s not entirely true, but a little bit maybe.

Maybe I�ll take a nap, I ran an awfully long way this morning, I could use one.

i'm learning about

words for the day

current state

miss these?
over - 2006-02-20
shiny. - 2006-01-23
grown up day - 2006-01-17
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pen? pencil? maybe blood... - 2006-01-09